"The woman of IMM Yinmo has a dream, and she expects to transform the dream into the symbol of her thoughts and her body shape. Each suit, each series of series, and each wave of the pattern's remarks... There is a change between the change and the change. The secret of elegance, and the magic that makes style instantly stop at attitude."

IMM Yinmer's "Sensory Montage" "The Eternal of Memories" Exhibition Completed

Inspiring the true person and conveying the philosophy and popular attitude of an independent intellectual woman, IMM Yin Mo's "Sensory Montage" Spring/Summer 2013 "Eternal of Memory" theme exhibition has opened in Beijing Shin Kong Place. This theme exhibition is inspired by women's true self and is presented through visual, auditory, taste, tactile and spiritual enlightenment. This brings everyone who walks into the venue a brief but deep interactive experience.

IMM Yinmer's "Sensory Montage" "The Eternal of Memories" Exhibition Completed

Visual - The eye of memory revived, and a pair of white wooden doors with dancing legs were retrospective. The installation of metal lines was full of visual tension. MM Yin Mo offered a visual sense of art to the audience. An independent artist, Xiao Yan, uses a body of wisdom to stretch, brings abstract art dance, and explores and explores the infinite possibilities of conceptual body art expression.

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Siro spinning is two rovings are fed to drafting at the same time & twisted together as a double yarn.

Benefits of Siro Compact Spun:

Low hairiness, low thin and thick neps, smooth & good abrasion resistance, good wear resistance, 

better fiber orientations, fewer joints, fewer variations in the uniformity in the yarn.

Siro Compact Spun

Siro Compact Spun, Siro Spun,Siro Spun Yarn,Siro Spun Process, Cotton Twill Siro Spun Fabric