Nantong folk blue calico craft gifts are all hand-spun, hand-woven and hand-dyed. The pattern is hand-carved, and each piece of cut paper is like a paper-cut art. The first step of the blue calico production process is to engrave the floral version, draw a rough pattern on the kraft paper, use a self-made guillotine knife to carry out the carving, the carving method, the carving method, the engraved surface, the engraving method. Mainly adopts the cutting knife method to express big patterns. This is also the most typical knife method in the blue calico crafts. The line should be carved smoothly and smoothly, and the lines in the blue calico pattern are divided into the Yin line and the Yang line. . "Engraved points" are generally made with self-made tool tweezers, and dots generally play a decorative role in the pattern. In addition to engraving, there are alternatives. The earlier used layout retains the pattern by coloring and then it is engraved so that it can be used repeatedly. After the flower version is hollowed out, it is reinforced by brushwood oil and classified and preserved. It can be printed and dyed directly when needed. The weaving white cloth is taken off from the loom and wetted with water before printing and dyeing, in order to allow the white cloth to better absorb the stain. The dyeing of the blue calico is done with soy flour and lime. The ratio of soybean flour and lime is one to seven. After adding water to a paste, the engraved pattern is placed on a white cloth and the squeegee can be squeegeed. . When squeegeeing, it is necessary to pay attention to force evenly. When the version is attached, put the cloth and flower pattern on the edge so that the layout can be evenly connected. It takes two days for the white cloth to be printed to dry. After the mortar is dry, put it into the cylinder. Inner staining.

The blue print cloth is pure blue because of the use of the blue dye, a plant dye. According to the "Guangzhou Tongzhou Chronicle," the records are: "Certainly grow blue, May the blue sky in May, then in July, then dip two blues, then pour a pool of water, dip the water into the lime, stir the water, and pour the water. Serve.靛 靛 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 用于 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”. Precipitated dyes resemble earth, commonly known as "sands". Every year on May 7th, Nantong people harvested the local plant dye, bluegrass, and processed it as a dyeing pigment for blue calico. In the Ming dynasty, the blue dragonfly was a tribute to the royal court. It gave the blue print a pure, thick, heavy rhyme. The plant dyes have been specially formulated to make dyeing tanks for printing and dyeing blue prints. Each dyeing tank has one person high, which contains thousands of dead water. The printed white cloth and the cloth brushed with mortar are put into the dyeing tank, and the microorganisms are continuously dyeing the tanks. In the water, the part with no mortar stained blue, and the part with gray dyeing retained the original white static. The dyeing jar water gave the impression of blue print cloth. Careful maintenance of dyeing vats is the culmination of ancestral ancestry, and it does not pass outsiders. For the sake of confidentiality, dyers always adjust their formulas immediately after they carefully look at the dyeing water every night. Every morning before rushing to dye cloth, we use a mysterious method to judge whether we can dye the cloth. We can judge whether the dye is mature by the oil stain on the head and how much the dye is blended. Dyeing water is the source of the life of a blue calico, and the dyer is also a respected artist in the dye house. The ancient and miraculous oriental culture was embodied in the printing technique of blue prints. After dyeing a cloth, dry it and dry it. Scrape is the fourth process that scrapes off the stain-resist after dyeing. Special care must be taken when squeegeeing to be careful not to scratch the cotton cloth. The dyed cloth went to a light mortar, and the seal was exposed. In places where the mortar blocks are large, the gray layers naturally crack in the stained scrolls. The blue dragonfly penetrates into the grey fabric along with the cracks, leaving artificial textures that cannot be depicted by the man. The natural texture is the soul of the blue calico art. After the soul, the blue print artwork shows her charming appearance.

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