Nina Ricci's 2011 early spring vacation series is still presented in a romantic style. This season's work is inspired by Jackie Onassis and her noble image of the 1960s. There are many cherry red and blush on the color selection, full of youthful atmosphere. . In addition to the tattered cake skirt and the handsome windbreaker, beautiful phosphor lingerie and retro ruffled bikinis are the finishing touch.

Nina Ricci's 2011 early spring vacation series is still presented in a romantic style. This season's work is inspired by Jackie Onassis and her noble image of the 1960s. There are many cherry red and blush on the color selection, full of youthful atmosphere. . In addition to the tattered cake skirt and the handsome windbreaker, beautiful phosphor lingerie and retro ruffled bikinis are the finishing touch.

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